Data Analytics Education for Utilities
Whether you are beginning your journey in data analytics or you are already running an advanced program, our Data Analytics Education for Utilities training program can provide a unique “toolbox” approach to data analytics. We’ll train your staff on how to apply the theory and mathematics behind your analytics “toolbox,” along with algorithm selection. We’ll also help your team fully understand the theory behind your analysis systems, giving your program a competitive advantage.
Are you looking for a competitive advantage? Does your management team know the basic concepts behind the analysts’ software applications? Do your analysts fully understand the theory and mathematics behind your analysis methodology? If not, your competitors may have the advantage!
Integral Analytics Data Analytics Education for Utilities will help you fine-tune your operating and analysis applications by teaching your management and your analysts to:
Define types of data and how each is used
Define different analysis methodologies and how each are used
Define the problem statement and recognize which types of data should be used for various application
Understand different model types within each analysis methodology and discover when each should be applied
Determine inputs and outputs for each analysis model used to solve complex problems
Apply various modeling techniques to every aspect of your business
Starting with DA101: Data Analytics - Basic, you will learn how to be more effective and efficient with your daily tasks, as well as learn new concepts and techniques, boosting your Asset Monitoring and Diagnostics (M&D) program value.
Next, with DA201: Data Analytics - Advanced, you will learn more complicated diagnostic and prognostic methods, alert management, and complex issue management.
When your analysts and management understand the application considerations, theory, and mathematics behind your software, you gain a competitive advantage by streamlining your decision-making process with more knowledgeable staff.
Contact us today to see how you can benefit from the Data Analytics Education for Utilities series by Integral Analytics.